Vacuum and hydro-pump to enlarge the penis

Hydropumps for penis enlargement have recently become increasingly popular. But why should you pay attention to it among penis enlargement methods? Unlike vacuum penis enlargement devices, devices that create traction with lukewarm water reduce the risk of edema and tissue swelling, as well as subcutaneous bleeding. As a result, the hydraulic pump looks from a more favorable perspective. However, let's learn what to look for to get penis enlargement painless and with maximum effect.

  • The working principle of the hydraulic pump
  • How to use it properly
  • Benefits and harms

Design features

A vacuum pump is a device that creates a negative pressure area around the penis. Penis enlargement occurs due to the elongation of the cellular structures of the cavernous body with excess blood pressure. Classic penis pumps consist of the following parts:

  • plastic cylinder for phallus;
  • pump to remove air from the cylinder;
  • shut-off valve to restore normal pressure in the device.

The mechanical vacuum pump is equipped with a special bulb connected to the cylinder using a hollow tube. When the lamp is compressed, air is pumped from the bulb, which reduces the atmospheric pressure in the device. Decompression is needed to increase blood flow, as if it stretches to a tissue that can fill with blood. Regular use of a vacuum pump allows you to enlarge your penis to 15-20% of its original size.

If a man develops vascular erectile dysfunction, the vacuum pump is ineffective.

Pump types

Air is released in two main ways:

  • by hand - the man himself creates a vacuum by repeatedly squeezing the pear;
  • electric pump - the pump works with batteries. Improved models are equipped with a suction power regulator.

The penis is enlarged with a water-based vacuum device - a hydro-pump. This method will increase the effectiveness of the technique and reduce the risk of injury.

The maximum discharged vacuum sucks blood, the blood passes through blood vessels, arteries, capillaries that penetrate the penis. At the same time, low elastic vessels are repaired. This leads to a significant increase in size. Pump massage allows you to lengthen the penis several times.

Principle of operation

How does a penis enlargement pump work? Local decompression created using the device significantly increases blood flow to the phallus. In this regard, the oxygenation of tissues and the ability of cells to divide improves. Excessive blood pressure in the penis causes the tissue tunnel, which contains erectile tissue, to lengthen. The formation of an additional cavity inside the penis stimulates the formation of new tissue elements. The penis pump helps to increase not only the length, but also the outer diameter of the genitals.

Systematic use of vacuum-constriction therapy helps to stabilize the potential and strengthen the erection.

You need to use a penis enlargement pump for a long time. When the blood pressure rises, the soft tissues of the penis are subject to elastic deformation, so a single use of the device has only a temporary effect. It is recommended to use a vacuum pump at least once a day for several months to stimulate the growth of cavernous years. A course of physiotherapy guarantees an increase in the circumference (diameter) and length of the penis by a few centimeters.

penis enlargement pump

What care does it need?

The operating instructions contain recommendations for proper operation of the pump. However, a number of simple manipulations will have to be considered in addition to the pump.

What to do:

  • rinse with detergent and warm water before each use;
  • treat the seal and bottle with liquid antiseptic, they will be in contact with the skin of the penis and scrotum;
  • After use, rinse again with detergent and dry with a towel.

It is recommended to use a solution of chlorhexidine or Furacil as an antiseptic, you can also prefer other drugs that do not contain alcohol. Also, you should not apply Vaseline or various cosmetic creams containing Vaseline oil to your penis before using the pump.

Features of vacuum pumps

It is important to consult a urologist before using pumps to enlarge the phallus. It should be understood that a local increase in blood pressure can cause bleeding and darkening of the genitals. In addition, to enlarge the penis, you only need to buy a certain type of vacuum builder, which is sold in a specialty store.

The main vacuum penis pump creates a relatively low negative pressure in the lamp. This means that it will not be possible to enlarge the penis with the help of a pump sold in an intimate goods store. Such devices are best designed to strengthen the erection before sexual intercourse.

Medical pumps for men are equipped with pressure gauges and quite powerful electric pumps that quickly remove air from the cylinder. The high-quality devices are equipped with a set of interchangeable nozzles of different diameters fixed on the edge of the flask. As the diameter of the penis increases, the silicone tips change. In this way, it is possible to prevent the cylinder from depressurizing during evacuation.

It should be understood that the medical penis enlargement pump should be used in accordance with the instructions and precautions. Contact of the penis with a high vacuum is fraught with rupture of small capillaries and lymphatic occlusion in the tissues. Side effects include decreased sensitivity of the head of the penis, bruising and erectile dysfunction.

How does it work?

The effect of using a pump to enlarge the penis is achieved by blood flow to the cavernous bodies, which allows them to grow to the size of the body. With single use, this method has a short-term effect. However, if you use the device regularly, you can get excellent results. It is impossible to say unequivocally how much the pump increases the penis and whether it is realistic to increase the size of the body in a week. However, you can expect the following results when using the device.

  • The penis enlargement vacuum pump allows you to straighten the penis even in severe curvatures.
  • Vacuum for penis enlargement improves erectile function, in which case the pump is most effective.
  • Even a healthy person can use a pump to increase erections.

The operation of the device is based on the formation of negative pressure inside it. Such a vacuum affects the blood vessels of the penis, which increases blood flow and circulation in the small pelvis. For this reason, the penis becomes hyperemic. As a result, sexual pleasure is greatly enhanced, and the penis gradually enlarges with the help of a pump.


Does the pump enlarge the penis? Regular and proper use of vacuum cleaners helps any man who can get an erection on his own to grow his genitals. The desired effect is achieved within a few months of daily use of the pump. Unlike expanders, the demand for a vacuum pump is high. According to andrologists, this is due to the fact that if the device is used properly, there are practically no side effects.

How many penis pumps should you use to get the desired result? After the pump, the penis grows almost immediately 1-1, 5 cm. However, this effect is temporary and you should use the device daily for at least 1 month to strengthen the result. It is likely that not every man will be satisfied with the effectiveness of such therapy. However, the safest penis enlargement devices are vacuum builders.

Is it possible to restore an erection with a vacuum? Many experienced nupers and andrologists point out that it is possible to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and muscle tissue with the help of vacuum-constriction therapy. As a result, the blood supply to the erectile tissue is significantly accelerated, which causes the penis to "rise" during sexual arousal. In addition, after a vacuum pump, the penis becomes more elastic and resilient, and increases in size with regular use of a medical device.

How big is the pump penis?

The pump is not a basic magnification technique., he should only complete other methods of penis enlargement. By using penis enlargement exercises and an additional pump, you can achieve true growth.

If you use only one pump, or rather, the penis thickens when the length is added slowly and insignificantly.

Initially, it was a preventative measure to weaken the pump capacity.. . . Strengthening an erection is possible only with proper and regular exercise.

Penis enlargement with a pump guarantees a change in thickness, improved blood circulation during sexual intercourse, which increases a more stable erection and elasticity of blood vessels.

Instructions for use

How to use a vacuum device properly? Before using the device, read the instructions for use. Although the side effects of improper use of the device are temporary, in some cases, poor circulation in the penis leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the head. The instructions for using the vacuum pump are as follows:

  • Apply a small amount of warming lubricant to the penis and silicone tip;
  • insert the phallus with a plastic cylinder and press the silicone tip firmly into the pubic bone;
  • use an electric pump or a flashlight to remove air from the appliance;
  • very soon the penis in the vacuum pump will turn a little red and fill with blood;
  • After 1-2 minutes, open the shut-off valve slightly and slowly inhale air into the cylinder.

For men, the vacuum pump should be washed with soapy water after each procedure.

There is a special pump for the glans penis, which is designed to enlarge only a certain part of the penis. Works on the same principle as the classic vacuum builder. Using such a device, you can increase the sensitivity of the genitals and thus improve the quality of sexual life.

Side effects

It is advisable to have a urologist's examination before using a vacuum pump. Vacuum penis enlargement is not strongly recommended for men suffering from acute infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Doctors warn that if the procedure is abused, male potency may decrease. Therefore, it is undesirable for men who use vacuum cleaners to engage in physical therapy for more than 20 minutes a day.

The use of blood thinners during vacuum constriction therapy is not recommended, as it only increases the likelihood of subcutaneous bleeding.

It is important to understand that adverse reactions are always likely to occur as a result of the use of medical devices. Therefore, before using the pump, you should read the list of possible side effects:

  • edema of the penis - if the penis is severely swollen after pumping, it indicates lymphatic stagnation in the tissues due to a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure in the glass during the procedure;
  • darkening of the skin is the result of bleeding in the subcutaneous layers of the genitals; weakening of the erection - indicates the formation of scars inside the caves, often with excessive dilation and subsequent rupture of microcameras;
  • The donut effect is the result of a violation of blood microcirculation at the head of the phallus, which is characterized by the appearance of seals on the surface of the enlarged penis.

You should consult your doctor before using a vacuum pump to enlarge your penis. Special devices for the penis can be used only in the absence of serious disorders of the cardiovascular system. It should be noted that increasing the size of the penis using a vacuum device is possible only in the absence of erectile dysfunction in the veins.

How the pump works

Any man who wants to increase men's power can use a vacuum pump. Helps increase blood supply to the genital area, which causes the following effects:

  • Increasing the fullness of cavernous bodies- causes an increase in size. It usually has a short-term effect, stopping when the erection decreases. However, you can combine the result obtained with the systematic application and use of video instructions for the vacuum pump with minimal risk of side effects. Correction of the shape of the penis is also achieved - its correction.
  • Strengthening erectionis obtained by increasing blood flow to the penis area. In men, the use of a vacuum pump helps to restore a strong erection that can last for a long time.
  • Improving blood supply, occurs as a result of the development of artificial blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Stimulation of blood flow, which can be seen in the video showing how to use a vacuum pump for men, helps to increase blood flow through the arteries and prevent circulatory disorders. Diseases such as hemorrhoids and prostatitis develop when blood flow is disrupted in the pelvic region.
  • Increased sensitivityis obtained as a result of tissue hyperemia. Helps intensify sexual intercourse and enhance orgasm.

The use of a vacuum pump is based on alternating pressure. The device consists of a sealed tube and a device for venting air.

Device types

There are several classifications of pumps. One is already given above - to have an erection ring under the pipe. In addition to this classification, vacuum pumps are also divided into types according to the type of control.

The following pump types differ according to the type of control:

The last type of pump appeared very recently, and therefore very little is known about it. The manufacturers of these devices claim that they guarantee complete safety compared to other methods, because the penis is protected from sudden changes in water pressure and associated risks.

types of vacuum pumps

The remaining types have been used for a long time. The video instructions for using a vacuum pump clearly show the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Handheld devices

This type of pump is equipped with a special lamp that removes air from the tube through a capillary. This leads to a decrease in pressure inside the penis, which leads to an increase in blood flow to the penis. The result of the application is a rapid increase in penis length and thickness.

penis enlargement pump by hand

The use of a vacuum penis pump helps to strengthen the erection, but this type of device requires extreme caution, because it is very easy to overcome.

Exhaustion of large amounts of air causes side effects: bruises, bruises, hematomas, decreased sensitivity.

Electrical devices

One way to enlarge the penis with a vacuum pump is to use electrical devices. They are softer and easier to use than manual ones. The man independently regulates the level of the air pump, which allows him to get a clearer effect and avoid side effects.

electric pump to enlarge the penis

Such devices are more expensive than manual devices. The video on using a vacuum pump to enlarge the penis shows different devices, but their working principle is generally the same.

Defects of the hydraulic pump

Despite all the advantages, there were some disadvantages. These include:

  • high price,
  • relatively small penis enlargement,
  • need regular use.

Hydraulic pumps are more expensive than vacuum pumps. The pump must be used for a long time and regularly to achieve a stable result. Due to the fast pace of life, not every modern person can spend half an hour a day or at least every day. Irregular use of the pump will benefit your erection, but it will not help to enlarge your penis.

Another disadvantage is the modest results. By purchasing a special device, a man hopes to completely solve the problem of penis size, but statistics show that after a year of using the pump, it is possible to add a penis only a few centimeters long.

Instructions for use

Every man should know how to use a vacuum pump properly. This device does not only help to change the size of the man. The use of a vacuum pump after diseases of the reproductive system helps to increase blood flow and can accelerate the recovery process.

The main indications for the use of this device are:

  • weakening of the erection;
  • small size of penis;
  • quite lively feelings during sex;
  • a sedentary lifestyle that causes blood stasis in the pelvic region.


Irrational use of hydraulic pumps rarely causes a temporary decrease in erectile function and penis sensitivity. The following rules should be considered when using a water pump to avoid negative consequences:

  • do not use hydraulic pumps for inflammation of the urethrogenital canal;
  • it is recommended to massage the phallus before the procedure to prevent damage and rupture of blood vessels;
  • Before using the simulator, it is recommended to treat the corrugated and plastic glass with an antiseptic or alcohol solution;
  • If the hydraulic pump is equipped with a crimp made of cyber leather, it should be washed with soapy water and treated with talcum powder after the procedure.

It is not recommended to exercise for more than 15-20 minutes a day to prevent darkening of the penis. Blood stasis in cavernous bodies can cause severe pain and the appearance of bruises on the surface of the penis.


Stimulation of blood circulation in the penis is a serious interference with the natural processes occurring in the male body.

Therefore, it is possible to use a vacuum pump on the penis only in the absence of contraindications:

  • pathologies of inflammatory and non-inflammatory genesis affecting the foreskin;
  • inflammation of the urethra in the acute stage (urethritis);
  • Kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • hypovitaminosis, which increases the fragility of blood vessels.

Videos of using a vacuum pump for men usually contain a list of possible side effects.

How to make a pump at home

Skilled and patient men can fix the device themselves. Need to prepare materials:

  • transparent cylindrical container - will play the role of a tube. When choosing, consider penis size;
  • hose - plastic or rubber;
  • pear - will be part of the medical tonometer. You can replace it with an ordinary 5 m3 syringe;
  • ring;
  • hot melt glue;
  • cutting tool.

Make a hole in the flask from the edge of the lid. Insert the hose 3 cm inside. Seal the connection. Say goodbye to the pear. Put a protective rubber ring on the opening of the penis.

Check the device before use. Remove existing gaps with hot melt glue. Check the functionality by creating the necessary pressure in the container.

Advantages of pumps

The video on how to use a vacuum penis pump shows the main advantages of these devices compared to other methods:

  • relatively few side effects;
  • low price;
  • ease of use;
  • increase the elasticity of the vessels of the reproductive organs;
  • strengthening the recovery process in the genital area.

The instructions for use of vacuum pumps for men must include general recommendations, the observance of which will help to increase the efficiency of use:

  1. After purchase, spray the device with antiseptic. Before using the vacuum pump, it must be cleaned of dust and bacteria.
  2. Be sure to use lubricant when following the instructions for using the vacuum pump. Water-based lubricants should be preferred. The oil base may damage the appliance itself.
  3. After using the vacuum pump, wash it thoroughly with warm soap and water.
  4. It is recommended to discard alcohol components to process the product before following the instructions for the penis enlargement pump.
  5. When following the instructions for the penis vacuum pump, it is necessary to get rid of vegetation in the groin area to improve skin contact. This will help save lubricating oil.
  6. When following the instructions for the vacuum pump for men, it is not necessary to apply lubricant to the scrotal area - this can facilitate slipping and cause it to be absorbed into the ampoule.

Application guide

Before you start figuring out how to properly use a vacuum pump to enlarge your penis, you need to distinguish which device is used - water or ordinary. It is also important to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of this device to avoid sad consequences.

You must prepare the body itself before using the device. To do this, it should be kept in warm water for a while - it will help dilate blood vessels. Later, this measure reduces pain and helps to achieve greater results without water. To increase elasticity, some men use jelqing techniques before using the device.

Knowing how to use a vacuum penis pump can save you from the risk of injury. Side effects often occur in men who do not follow a schedule or do not know how to use a vacuum pump properly.

Particular attention should be paid to safety rules during use - this will help prevent unpleasant consequences. Video instructions for vacuum pumps for men help to achieve results without risk to life.